I found myself home alone today so naturally wanted a break from myself. I'm infinitely more comfortable in a public house than a cafe, doubtless because they sell you beer.
My local is great; if I can walk in and not fancy any of the 21 beers pouring (as often happens) then that's on me. I'm really conservative in my choice of beers nowadays.
We moved recently, not far from where we were. We're on a street rather than a building in a development now, and have come to know our neighbours here better after six weeks than we did at our previous place after four years. I've always wanted to be a part of a community, but it's difficult when you're an introvert and view 95% of the general public with disdain.
I jest, kind of.
The reasons I've not established myself as part of a community are myriad, but fundamentally it's about the precariousness of private renting. Here, however, I feel I (we) could be a part of something greater than ourselves. Unless our landlord fucks us out of the gaff when the break clause kicks in, that is.
PS - I had the Vibrant Forest Chinook APA at the pub. It was fine if somewhat dry and chalky.
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